Sinulat ni David Johnson
Inedit ni Jason Peterson
Fact checked by Angelo Martins
Human moderated by Jason Peterson
Last updated August, 2024

Global Prime Overall rating

Ranked 70 out of 825 (Forex Brokers)
Overall rating is derived from an aggregate of ratings in multiple categories.
Rating Weight
User Rating 3
Pricing rating
Customer Support
Not rated

Global Prime Profile

Company Name Global Prime Pty Ltd
Categories Forex Brokers, Forex Rebates
Primary Category Forex Brokers
Year Founded 2010
Headquarters Australia
Office Locations Australia, Vanuatu
Account Currency AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, SGD, USD
Client funds bank Westpac Banking Corporation
Support Languages English, Portuguese, Thai
Funding Methods AstroPay, Bank Wire, Bitcoin, BPAY, Credit Card, FasaPay, Litecoin, Neteller, PayPal, POLi, Skrill, Vnpay (Vietnam), Alipay, ZotaPay, PayRetailers, Pagsmile (Brazil), AccentPay, Interac (Canada), DragonPay, Wise, Ripple
Financial Instruments Forex, Shares, Indices, Bonds, Oil/Energies, Metals
24 hour support
Segregated Accounts
Islamic Accounts
Accepts Canadian clients
Accepts Japanese Clients
Non expiring demo
Trading API
Cent accounts
Negative balance protection
Social trading
Regulatory deposit insurance
Trailing stops
Interest on margin
Fixed spread
Variable spread

Global Prime Web traffic

Our web traffic data is sourced from SimilarWeb and sums the traffic data of all websites associated with a broker. Organic visits are visits the broker didn't pay for, based on the available data. This data updates once monthly and can be based on data purchased from internet service providers, traffic metrics sourced by a third party such as Google Analytics that the company chooses to share with SimilarWeb, etc.

Organic monthly visits 50,499 (100%)
Organic traffic rank 167 out of 825 (Forex Brokers)
Paid monthly visits 177 (0%)
Total monthly visits 50,676
Bounce rate 49%
Pages per visit 3.11
Average visit duration 00:04:38.0860000

Global Prime Account types

  Global Prime Raw Global Prime Standard
Commission$7.00 Per Lot Per 100K Traded-
Maximum leverage500:1-
Mobile PlatformMT4 Mobile
Trading platformMT4
Spread TypeVariable Spread
Minimum Deposit2000
Minimum Trade Size0.01
Trailing Stops
Scalping Allowed
Hedging Allowed
Islamic Accounts-
  Global Prime Raw
Commission $7.00 Per Lot Per 100K Traded
Maximum leverage 500:1
Typical Spread 0.1
Trading platform MT4
Mobile platform MT4 Mobile
Spread type Variable Spread
Minimum deposit 200
Minimum Trade Size 0.01
Trailing Stops
Scalping Allowed
Hedging Allowed
Islamic Accounts
  Global Prime Standard
Typical Spread 0.9
Trading platform MT4
Mobile platform MT4 Mobile
Spread type Variable Spread
Minimum deposit 0
Minimum Trade Size 0.01
Trailing Stops
Scalping Allowed
Hedging Allowed

Global Prime User Rating


Global Prime reviews by verified customers, cashback rebates, expert ratings, spreads & fees, leverage, demo accounts, downloads, trading platforms and more.

Please make sure your comments are relevant and that they do not promote anything. Irrelevant comments, including inappropriate or promotional links, and comments containing abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, or personal attacks of any kind, will be deleted.

Global Prime Cashback rebates

Cash back rebates are paid per round turn lot unless otherwise specified. 1 Lot = 100,000 base currency units traded.
  Global Prime Raw Global Prime Standard
Forex$2.0 Per Lot0.4 Pips
Metals$2.0 Per Lot0.4 Pips
Payment Options
Monthly Cash Back
Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12th day of the month for trades where cashback has been accumulated between the first and the last day of the previous month.
  Global Prime Raw
Forex $2.0 Per Lot
Metals $2.0 Per Lot
Payment Options
Monthly Cash Back
Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12th day of the month for trades where cashback has been accumulated between the first and the last day of the previous month.
  Global Prime Standard
Forex 0.4 Pips
Metals 0.4 Pips
Payment Options
Monthly Cash Back
Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12th day of the month for trades where cashback has been accumulated between the first and the last day of the previous month.

What are Global Prime rebates?

Global Prime rebates are a portion of the transaction cost that is paid back to the client on each trade, resulting in a lower spread and improved win ratio. For example, if your rebate is 1 pip and the spread is 3 pips, then your net spread is only 2 pips.

Many traders initially believe there must be higher costs elsewhere to compensate, however they soon find there is no catch and Forex rebates truly reduce the costs of the transaction and improve their bottom line.

How do Global Prime rebates work?

When you link a new or existing forex trading account to us the broker pays us part of their spread or commission profit for every trade you make as compensation for referring a customer to them. We then share the majority of our revenue with you, paying you a cash rebate for each trade you make as thank you for signing up with us.

Unlike some of our competitors your spreads will never increase as a result of using our service! The only difference is: as our client you earn extra cash per trade, making trading through us more profitable than opening direct with the broker. Founded in 2007, we are the original and leading provider of forex rebates. We pay rebates to over 100,000 accounts and traders love our helpful 24 hour live chat, telephone and email support.

How much Global Prime rebates can I earn?

Use our forex rebate calculator to estimate your Global Prime rebate earnings:

You must enter a valid number

Are Global Prime rebates a scam; do my spreads increase?

Global Prime rebates paid by legitimate rebate providers are not a scam, however scams do exist. The most common scam is a rebate provider that marks up the spread or commission in order to pay a higher rebate than competitors. Many brokers do allow a referring party, or rebate provider, to markup costs to traders they refer. Obviously this defeats the purpose of the service provided by the rebate provider and thus jeopardizes the viability of the rebate provider’s reputation and business, so a reliable provider wouldn’t consider this. Besides this, certain rebate providers may not pay on time, or not at all. This is why it’s important to choose a reliable provider.

When working with a trustworthy rebate provider, there is no ‘catch’. It is more beneficial to a trader’s financial position to work with a rebate provider than solely with the forex broker.

Are there any other benefits to signing up for Global Prime rebates?

It depends on the rebate provider. Due to our unique relationship with many brokers, we have often mediated between brokers and clients in order to help successfully resolve client issues, including clients who are having withdrawal issues. Brokers are often very fast to respond to us, since we typically have many clients with them. Our knowledgeable support team is available 24 hours per day in 8 native languages & 23 total languages for any questions. We also offer trading tools, calculators, reviews and a robust forex education section.

How are forex rebates paid?

Because we deal with so many traders in so many different countries and serve 23 languages we have to cover a wide array of options. Here’s what we offer:

Forex rebate options vary per broker:

Monthly cash back Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12 of the month following the month rebates are earned in.
Spread or commission reduction The trader actually receives reduced commissions and/or spreads. This is an exciting option offered by some of our top brokers.
Paid direct to brokerage account Cashback is credited directly to the trader’s brokerage account, typically between 1-7 days after the trade is closed. This is another exciting options offered by some of our top brokers.

In the case of the ‘Monthly cash back’ rebate option, monthly payments can be paid via bank wire, Paypal, Skrill, Sticpay, China Unionpay, and Neteller. Some payment methods such as bank wire carries fees and often traders set a custom minimum payment amount in order to accumulate rebates and withdraw their rebates less often than monthly.

Global Prime Regulation / Money Protection

Company Licenses & Regulations Segregated Client Money Deposit Compensation Scheme Negative Balance Protection Rebates Max. Leverage Retail Clients
Global Prime Pty Ltd 30 : 1
Gleneagle Securities PTY Limited 100 : 1

Global Prime Symbols

Unique Symbol Count: 148
Symbol Asset Class Trading platform Description Contract Size Margin Currency Profit Currency Points Swap Trading Hours Weekly
COFARA CFD-Commodities MT4 Coffee Arabica Cash CFD USD 10 USD 2 Long: -0.51
Short: -6.69
COFROB CFD-Commodities MT4 Coffee Robusta Cash CFD USD 1 USD 2 Long: 1.28
Short: -33.73
CORN CFD-Commodities MT4 Corn Cash CFD USD 2 USD 2 Long: -29.07
Short: 1.12
COTTON CFD-Commodities MT4 Cotton Cash CFD USD 10 USD 3 Long: -5.91
Short: -1.29
OJUSD CFD-Commodities MT4 Orange Juice Cash CFD USD 10 USD 2 Long: 1.28
Short: -14.81
SOYBEAN CFD-Commodities MT4 Soybean Cash CFD 1 USD 2 Long: 1.12
Short: -49.45
SUGARRAW CFD-Commodities MT4 Sugar No. 11 Cash CFD 50 USD 3 Long: -0.6
Short: -6.6
SUGARWHITE CFD-Commodities MT4 White Sugar Cash CFD 2 USD 2 Long: 1.28
Short: -23.7
UKCOCOA CFD-Commodities MT4 London Cocoa Cash CFD 1 GBP 2 Long: 1.28
Short: -78.43
USCOCOA CFD-Commodities MT4 Cocoa Cash CFD 1 USD 2 Long: 1.28
Short: -66.04
WHEAT CFD-Commodities MT4 Wheat Cash CFD USD 1 USD 2 Long: -24.08
Short: 1.28
XCUUSD CFD-Commodities MT4 Copper vs USD Cash CFD 10 USD 2 Long: -7.13
Short: -0.07
XBRUSD CFD-Energies MT4 Brent Crude Oil 100 USD 3 Long: 26.82
Short: -44.29
XNGUSD CFD-Energies MT4 Natural Gas Futures CFD 10000 USD 4 Long: -66.7
Short: 38.08
XTIUSD CFD-Energies MT4 WTI Crude Oil 100 USD 3 Long: 28.13
Short: -45.43
USDX CFD-Futures MT4 US Dollar Index 100 USD 3 Long: -1.58
Short: -10.47
VIX CFD-Futures MT4 Volatility Index 10 USD 3 Long: 3.44
Short: -7.59
CA60 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 SPTSX60 1 CAD 2 Long: -6.86
Short: 2.4
HK50 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 HK50 1 HKD 2 Long: -6.38
Short: 1.77
JPN225 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 NIKKEI225 1 JPY 2 Long: -2.34
Short: -1.86
NOR25 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 OSE 25 1 NOK 2 Long: -7.99
Short: 1.53
US2000 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 Russell 2000 1 USD 2 Long: -7.7
Short: 3.16
US500 CFD-IndicesFull MT4 S&P500 1 USD 2 Long: -7.7
Short: 3.16
AUS200 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 ASX200 1 AUD 2 Long: -6.61
Short: 2.18
ES35 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 IBEX 1 EUR 2 Long: -7
Short: 0.63
EUSTX50 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 EUSTX50 1 EUR 2 Long: -5.95
Short: 1.58
FRA40 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 CAC40 1 EUR 2 Long: -7
Short: 0.63
GER30 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 DAX30 1 EUR 2 Long: -5.95
Short: 1.58
IT40 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 FTSE MIB 1 EUR 2 Long: -7
Short: 0.63
NAS100 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 NAS100 1 USD 2 Long: -7.7
Short: 3.16
SA40 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 JSE 40 1 ZAR 2 Long: -11.5
Short: 4.7
UK100 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 FTSE100 1 GBP 2 Long: -7.3
Short: 2.8
US30 CFD-IndicesMini MT4 DJ30 1 USD 2 Long: -7.7
Short: 3.16
UKGILT CFD-Treasuries MT4 UK Gilt 100 GBP 3 Long: -3.67
Short: -2.63
UST05Y CFD-Treasuries MT4 US T-Note 5 Yr 100 USD 3 Long: -4.72
Short: -1.58
UST10Y CFD-Treasuries MT4 US T-Note 10 Yr 100 USD 3 Long: -4.47
Short: -1.83
BNBUSD Crypto-Large MT4 BNB (Binance Coin) vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
BTCUSD Crypto-Large MT4 Bitcoin vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
ETHUSD Crypto-Large MT4 Ethereum vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
ADAUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 Cardano vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
ALGOUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 ALGO vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
ATOMUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 ATOM (Cosmos) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
AVAXUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 AVAX (Avalanche) vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
BCHUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 Bitcoin Cash vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
DOGEUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 DOGE (Dogecoin) vs USD 1 USD 5 Long: -15
Short: -15
DOTUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 DOT (Polkadot) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
LINKUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 LINK (Chainlink) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
LTCUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 Litecoin vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
MATICUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 MATIC (Polygon) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
SOLUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 SOL (Solana) vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
TRXUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 TRON vs USD 1 USD 5 Long: -15
Short: -15
UNIUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 UNI (Uniswap) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
XLMUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 Stellar vs USD 1 USD 5 Long: -15
Short: -15
XRPUSD Crypto-Medium MT4 Ripple vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
EOSUSD Crypto-Small MT4 EOS vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
NEARUSD Crypto-Small MT4 NEAR vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
1INCHUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 1INCH vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
AXSUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 AXS (Axie Infinity) vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
BATUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 BAT (Basic Attention Token) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
CHRUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 CHR (Chroma) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
CRVUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 CRV (Curve) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
DASHUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 DASH vs USD 1 USD 2 Long: -15
Short: -15
ENJUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 ENJ (Enjin) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
FTMUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 FTM (Fantom) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
GRTUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 GRT (The Graph) vs USD 1 USD 5 Long: -15
Short: -15
KNCUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 KNC (Kyber) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
LRCUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 LRC (Loopring) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
MKRUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 MKR (Maker) vs USD 1 USD 1 Long: -15
Short: -15
OMGUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 OMG vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
SANDUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 SAND (The Sandbox) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
SKLUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 SKL (SKALE Network) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
SNXUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 SNX (Synthetix) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
SUSHIUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 SUSHI (SushiSwap) vs USD 1 USD 3 Long: -15
Short: -15
SXPUSD Crypto-Tiny MT4 SXP (Swipe) vs USD 1 USD 4 Long: -15
Short: -15
AUDSGD Forex-Exotics MT4 Australian vs Singapore Dollar 100000 AUD 5 Long: 0.6
Short: -6.41
CHFSGD Forex-Exotics MT4 Swiss Franc vs Singapore Dollar 100000 CHF 5 Long: -14
Short: 3.05
EURHKD Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -10.22
Short: -22.87
EURHUF Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Hungarian Forint 100000 EUR 3 Long: -48.75
Short: 16.14
EURILS Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Israeli Shekel 100000 EUR 5 Long: -16.42
Short: 0.62
EURMXN Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Mexican Peso 100000 EUR 5 Long: -682.9
Short: 213.7
EURNOK Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Norwegian Krone 100000 EUR 5 Long: -43.23
Short: 4.98
EURPLN Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Polish Zloty 100000 EUR 5 Long: -38.71
Short: 9.53
EURRUB Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Russian Ruble 100000 EUR 5 Long: -5161.92
Short: 241.94
EURSEK Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Swedish Krona 100000 EUR 5 Long: -6.58
Short: -31.71
EURSGD Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Singapore Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -1.08
Short: -7.55
EURTRY Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs Turkish Lira 100000 EUR 5 Long: -1286.04
Short: 809.58
EURZAR Forex-Exotics MT4 Euro vs South Africa Rand 100000 EUR 5 Long: -403.61
Short: 111.21
GBPILS Forex-Exotics MT4 British Pound vs Israeli Shekel 100000 GBP 5 Long: -8.044
Short: 4.283
GBPNOK Forex-Exotics MT4 British Pound vs Norwegian Krone 100000 GBP 5 Long: -10.39
Short: -53.88
GBPPLN Forex-Exotics MT4 British Pound vs Polish Zloty 100000 GBP 5 Long: -29.95
Short: -2.87
GBPSEK Forex-Exotics MT4 British Pound vs Swedish Krona 100000 GBP 5 Long: 19
Short: -100.09
GBPTRY Forex-Exotics MT4 British Pound vs Turkish Lira 100000 GBP 5 Long: -1280.78
Short: 704.05
NOKJPY Forex-Exotics MT4 Norwegian Krone vs Japanse Yen 100000 NOK 3 Long: 1.03
Short: -2.13
NOKSEK Forex-Exotics MT4 Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona 100000 NOK 5 Long: 0.72
Short: -5.24
NZDSGD Forex-Exotics MT4 New Zealand vs Singaporean Dollar 100000 NZD 5 Long: 1.69
Short: -7.82
SEKJPY Forex-Exotics MT4 Swedish Krona vs Japanse Yen 100000 SEK 3 Long: 0.78
Short: -1.7
SGDJPY Forex-Exotics MT4 Singapore dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 SGD 3 Long: 5
Short: -12.42
USDCNH Forex-Exotics MT4 USD VS CNH 100000 USD 5 Long: 41.23
Short: -100.35
USDCZK Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Czech Koruna 100000 USD 5 Long: 0.97
Short: -155.87
USDHKD Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs HK Dollar 100000 USD 5 Long: 19.87
Short: -60.73
USDHUF Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 USD 3 Long: -22.65
Short: 4.94
USDILS Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar VS Israeli Shekel 100000 USD 5 Short: -20.75
USDMXN Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 USD 5 Long: -497.47
Short: 140.63
USDNOK Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 USD 5 Long: 10.13
Short: -47.33
USDPLN Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 USD 5 Long: -12.06
Short: -3.82
USDRUB Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Russian Ruble 100000 USD 5 Long: -942.545
Short: 169.175
USDSEK Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Swedish Krona 100000 USD 5 Long: 29.75
Short: -81.08
USDSGD Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 USD 5 Long: 3.8
Short: -13.5
USDTHB Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Thai Baht 100000 USD 3 Long: -1.34
Short: -4.75
USDTRY Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Turkish Lira 100000 USD 5 Long: -274.68
Short: 32.36
USDZAR Forex-Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs South Africa Rand 100000 USD 5 Long: -255.15
Short: 52
AUDUSD Forex-Majors MT4 Australian Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 AUD 5 Long: -3.24
Short: 0.83
EURUSD Forex-Majors MT4 Euro vs US Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -6.76
Short: 3.05
GBPUSD Forex-Majors MT4 British Pound vs US Dollar 100000 GBP 5 Long: -3.64
Short: -0.42
USDCAD Forex-Majors MT4 US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 USD 5 Long: 0.97
Short: -7.17
USDCHF Forex-Majors MT4 US Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 USD 5 Long: 4.97
Short: -14.24
USDJPY Forex-Majors MT4 US Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 USD 3 Long: 12.13
Short: -26.78
AUDCAD Forex-Minors MT4 Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 AUD 5 Long: -1.84
Short: -1.74
AUDCHF Forex-Minors MT4 Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 AUD 5 Long: 2.39
Short: -7.49
AUDJPY Forex-Minors MT4 Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 AUD 3 Long: 6.37
Short: -14.48
AUDNZD Forex-Minors MT4 Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 AUD 5 Long: -4.91
Short: 0.39
CADCHF Forex-Minors MT4 Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 CAD 5 Long: 2.63
Short: -8.12
CADJPY Forex-Minors MT4 Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 CAD 3 Long: 7
Short: -15.77
CHFJPY Forex-Minors MT4 Swiss Frank vs Japanese Yen 100000 CHF 3 Long: 1.45
Short: -7.58
EURAUD Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs Australian Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -5.43
Short: 0.12
EURCAD Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs Canadian Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -5.03
Short: 0.05
EURCHF Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs Swiss Franc 100000 EUR 5 Long: 2.78
Short: -10.99
EURGBP Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs Great Britain Pound 100000 EUR 5 Long: -4.56
Short: 1.22
EURJPY Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs Japanese Yen 100000 EUR 3 Long: 8.4
Short: -21.88
EURNZD Forex-Minors MT4 Euro vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 EUR 5 Long: -9.79
Short: 3.34
GBPAUD Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs Australian Dollar 100000 GBP 5 Long: -1.42
Short: -8.21
GBPCAD Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs Canadian Dollar 100000 GBP 5 Long: -0.23
Short: -6.32
GBPCHF Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs Swiss Franc 100000 GBP 5 Long: 4.53
Short: -19.09
GBPJPY Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs Japanese Yen 100000 GBP 3 Long: 13.89
Short: -33.58
GBPNZD Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 GBP 5 Long: -6.09
Short: -4.52
GBPSGD Forex-Minors MT4 British Pound vs Singaporean Dollar 100000 GBP 5 Long: 3.31
Short: -15.18
NZDCAD Forex-Minors MT4 New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 NZD 5 Long: 0.18
Short: -3.68
NZDCHF Forex-Minors MT4 New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 NZD 5 Long: 2.84
Short: -8.08
NZDJPY Forex-Minors MT4 New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 NZD 3 Long: 6.87
Short: -16.13
NZDUSD Forex-Minors MT4 New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 NZD 5 Long: -1.54
Short: -0.67
XAGAUD Metals MT4 Silver vs Australian Dollar 5000 AUD 3 Long: -6.83
Short: 3.31
XAGEUR Metals MT4 Silver vs Euro 5000 EUR 3 Long: -3.67
Short: 1.7
XAGUSD Metals MT4 Silver vs US Dollar 5000 USD 3 Long: -5.52
Short: 2.77
XAUAUD Metals MT4 Gold vs Australian Dollar 100 AUD 2 Long: -55.99
Short: 28.51
XAUEUR Metals MT4 Gold vs Euro 100 EUR 2 Long: -29.91
Short: 14.81
XAUUSD Metals MT4 Gold vs US Dollar 100 USD 2 Long: -45.82
Short: 23.35
XPDUSD Metals MT4 Palladium vs US Dollar 100 USD 2 Long: -16.9
Short: 1.74
XPTUSD Metals MT4 Platinum vs US Dollar 100 USD 2 Long: -23.52
Short: 5.47
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