Indicateurs techniques de Forex

Rédigé par
Andres Nicolini

Rédigé par
Andres Nicolini
Technical Data Manager & Broker Support
With more than a decade of expertise in covering both the US markets and the global forex markets, I am dedicated to assisting users in discovering the finest investment providers.
My background includes serving as an account manager for an international brokerage firm, where I honed my attention to detail. I specialize in aligning investors' profiles and preferences with the most suitable products and services available.
My background includes serving as an account manager for an international brokerage firm, where I honed my attention to detail. I specialize in aligning investors' profiles and preferences with the most suitable products and services available.

Modifié par
David Johnson

Modifié par
David Johnson
As a Co-founder of Clear Markets Ltd, I oversee operational and financial systems.
I am the Director/Owner of Excel Markets Inc. (Regulated by the US National Futures Association)
I am an NFA Associate Member with a Series 3 and 34 license.
I am the Director/Owner of Excel Markets Inc. (Regulated by the US National Futures Association)
I am an NFA Associate Member with a Series 3 and 34 license.

Faits vérifiés par
Alexandreas Kourris

Faits vérifiés par
Alexandreas Kourris
Account Manager & Broker Support
With over 9 years of demonstrated expertise in real estate and financial services, I leverage my exceptional communication and analytical skills in the private investments sector.
My background includes positions at various retail CFD brokers in Limassol (Cyprus) and Dubai, where I seamlessly integrate Private Wealth Management skills with a fervour for the financial markets. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions, engaging stakeholders, and guiding them towards optimal investment paths.
My background includes positions at various retail CFD brokers in Limassol (Cyprus) and Dubai, where I seamlessly integrate Private Wealth Management skills with a fervour for the financial markets. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions, engaging stakeholders, and guiding them towards optimal investment paths.
Dernière mise à jour
août 2024

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Dernière mise à jour: 16 août 2024
Nous percevons des commissions de la part de certains partenaires affiliés, sans frais supplémentaires pour les utilisateurs (la liste des partenaires figure sur notre page « À propos de nous », dans la section « Partenaires »). Malgré ces affiliations, notre contenu reste impartial et indépendant. Nous générons des revenus par le biais de bannières publicitaires et de partenariats d'affiliation, qui n'influencent pas l'impartialité de nos avis ni l'intégrité de notre contenu. Nos équipes de rédaction et de marketing sont indépendantes, ce qui garantit l'exactitude et l'objectivité de nos informations financières.
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Dans notre section Indicateurs Techniques, vous trouverez des instructions détaillées et des tutoriels sur l'utilisation des indicateurs les plus courants de l'analyse technique. Découvrez les Moyennes Mobiles (MAs), le MACD et des outils avancés tels que les retracements de Fibonacci et les Points Pivot.
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