Binance 法规/金钱保护
Binance 总体评价
评分 | 权重 | |
用户评级 |
4.3 (6 评论)
3 |
声望 |
3 |
规 |
1 |
流动性 |
1 |
定价评级 |
1 |
特征 |
1 |
客户支持 |
1 |
Binance 体积
Binance 公司简介
公司名称 | Binance Investments Co Ltd |
类别 | 加密货币交易所 |
主要类别 | 加密货币交易所 |
成立 | 2017 |
总部 | 开曼群岛 |
办公地点 | 开曼群岛, 马耳他, 英国 |
支持Fiat | |
入金方式 | 信用卡/借记卡, POLi, Swift, Sepa, Simplex, Paxos, Mercuryo, Banxa, Crypto wallets |
最高杠杆 | 10 : 1 |
金融工具 | 期货, 加密货币, 单纯期权, ETFs, NFT's (Non-fungible tokens), Staking (cryptocurrencies) |
Binance 费用
0.10% - 接受者费用
0.10% - 制作费
Visit link to see detailed info about Binance fees: 费用
Binance 网络流量
我们的网页流量数据来源于SimilarWeb,并汇总了与经纪商相关的所有网站的流量数据。自然访问是根据可用数据统计的经纪商未付费的访问量。此数据每月更新一次,可能基于从互联网服务提供商购买的数据、第三方(如公司选择与SimilarWeb分享的Google Analytics)提供的流量指标等。
网站 |
每月自然访问 | 76,762,416 (100%) |
自然流量排名 | 2 在618 (加密货币交易所)之外 |
每月付费访问 | 223,304 (0%) |
每月总访问量 | 76,985,720 |
跳出率 | 33% |
每次访问页数 | 11.79 |
平均访问时长 | 00:08:02.2710000 |
Binance 用户评级
您有 Binance 的交易账户吗? 您对这个经纪商满意吗? 您想提出建议吗? 通过在交易社区发表评论和我们的团队分享您对 Binance 的体验。 您的电子邮件地址不会被公开。
请确保您的评论是相关的,并且不会宣传任何内容。 不相关的评论,包括不当或促销链接,以及包含辱骂性、粗俗、攻击性、威胁性或骚扰性语言的评论,或任何形式的人身攻击,都将被删除。
Binance Referral ID BQDIO9W5
Get a permanent lifetime discount of 20% off spot exchange fees and 10% off futures/margin trading fees on every transaction by using the following referral code or referral link.Get 20% off Binance exchange fees for life
Referral ID: BQDIO9W5
Spot exchange fees cashback | 20% cashback on every transaction + 25% BNB discount |
Futures/margin fees cashback | 10% cashback on every transaction |
Payout | Immediately after every transaction |
What is the Binance Referral ID?
The Binance Referral ID, often referred to as a referral code, is an optional code that allows users to enjoy up to a 20% discount on trading fees when using Binance. In 2023, entering the referral ID BQDIO9W5 guarantees you the maximum discount. This unique code also unlocks an exclusive sign-up bonus once the user fulfills their tasks.
Upon entering this code, you'll see a message confirming your commission kickback rate of 20%. It's important to note that this 20% discount is a lifetime benefit, meaning it will never expire.
The Easiest Way to Sign Up with a Binance Referral ID
For beginners seeking simplicity, the easiest way to sign up with a Binance Referral ID is by clicking on a referral link provided by a friend or trusted website like this one. These referral links are preloaded with the code, eliminating the need for users to manually enter it during registration. This seamless process ensures that the discount is automatically applied to your account.
Binance Futures and Referral ID
Binance offers not only a spot market but also a futures market. The same Binance Referral ID BQDIO9W5 can be used for both markets in 2023, eliminating the need for separate accounts or codes.
What's New in 2023?
Previously known as the "Binance referral code," the platform has rebranded it as the "referral ID." However, the core concept remains unchanged. Users can still enjoy a maximum discount of 20% on all transaction fees.
Is There a Referral Code with a Higher Discount?
No, Binance's terms and conditions are clear – the maximum discount offered through a referral code is 20%. Despite claims of unreal discounts on various internet articles, the reality is that Binance allows affiliates to choose how much they share with their referrals, but it cannot exceed 20%. So, beware of dishonest individuals promising higher discounts.
About BUSD
Binance's standard stablecoin is BUSD, which is paired 1:1 with the US dollar. In 2023, if you transfer USDC or USDP to Binance using the Ethereum network, your tokens will be automatically converted to BUSD. While you can use BUSD for trading within Binance, when it's time to withdraw your funds as cryptocurrency, it's advisable to use USDP or USDC, which are more regulated and secure stablecoins.